Thursday, May 5, 2016

Q&A with Jennifer Soos: Embarrased at Bootcamp

Jennifer Soos is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist 
based out of San Antonio, Texas, and a childhood friend of Monica. 

You can find her at ​ ​ 

Do you have a question for Jennifer? E-mail it to
A new question is answered every month! 


I started doing bootcamp class in January and I really enjoy them. Years ago I trained too hard and hurt my knee and had other health problems because of it and it took me almost a full year to recover. Now that I'm back, I'm very cautious and aware of what I can and can't do. The trainer is very intense yelling and pushing everyone hard and when I told him about my situation he's been respectful of letting me ease up when I feel I need to. But the classes are big and always changing depending on what time I go so it's not an option for me to talk to each person and there have been a few people in the class who have said things to me like I need to push through the pain. I tell myself that they are saying it from a good place but I still feel embarrassed. How can I get them to leave me alone? Sincerely, Embarrassed in Bootcamp


 Dear Embarrassed,

My very first thought is that you should have some t­shirts printed that say “Try Minding Your Own Business” and just wear those to bootcamp classes!! I was also curious as to whether or not your knee is taped or wrapped or in a brace of some kind which might help signify to people that you have a reason to be protective of that injury? But regardless of those outward things, let’s talk about the “inside job” that might need a little work... You sound like you have great instincts about knowing your limits and taking care of yourself ­ so that’s a good place to start. And good for you for your determination to come back from a serious injury and keep working so hard! I hope you feel proud of that accomplishment.

Your question “How can I get them to leave me alone?” is important for a couple of reasons: First, that question really zeros in on a hard truth: we don’t get to have control over other people. We can’t really do much to change other people’s behaviors or thoughts or opinions or words. We can tell our truth, we can make requests, we can speak up for ourselves ­ BUT ultimately, people are going to do and think what people are going to do and think. (And, as a recovering control freak myself, I know how hard this reality is to make peace with and surrender to.)

Second, your question really leads to another question: Why is it important to you what they think? Based on your description, it sounds like these people are virtually strangers and do not hold any position of influence in your life. This might be different if they were family or close friends ­ then we would talk about how to be open to their differing opinions and how to take in feedback in a healthy way. But these are not those people. And unless you want to be in a relationship with them ­ an actual, functional relationship ­ then, honestly, whatever story they make up about you is none of your business. What a person thinks about you, someone they don’t actually know, tells us a lot about THEM, but it tells us nothing about YOU. (And, if we’re being really honest here, I certainly don’t want to make any space in my life for someone who is quick to make an assumption and offer unsolicited advice to someone they don’t know ­ those are NOT my people.)

Lastly, sometimes the things people say to us only bother us because we have a little voice in our head that is saying the very same thing and the nosy, judgey people are simply tapping into one of our own fears or insecurities. We will definitely have a reaction to an irrelevant person’s opinion if it mirrors one of our own. That’s a good indicator that we need to get really honest with ourselves and tell ourselves the truth about whatever is going on. It doesn’t sound to me like this last idea applies to you because you are so confident in the work you have done, but perhaps for other people who struggle with this... Get really clear with yourself about what tiny, little truth might lie in what someone else says that fires you up and, if it does apply to you, then own it and set out to fix it. But, if you can’t see any truth in their assessment of things, discard and move on. Your trainer knows the story and, besides you, that’s the only other person who matters.

So, the next time someone ignores your brand new t­shirt ;­) and tries to tell you what to do with your own body, just smile and say, “While I appreciate that you are probably trying to be supportive, I’ve worked really hard to recover from a serious injury and I’m going to listen to what my body can handle.” And then congratulate yourself for NOT spending your time or energy on someone who throws around unnecessary advice before offering compassion or asking questions.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Visuals Success Story - Mike & Gina

Over the course of the last 2.5 years I’ve been utilizing the ‘Visalus Health Challenge’ platform/ViGrocieries for my personal nutritional clients as well as myself and have met many inspiring people living the ‘ViLife’. Never have I been in a circle of people that have so many moving testimonials and health transformations so I’ve decided I couldn’t keep the stories to myself. But if the stories I share with you each month don’t make you want to jump up and get started yourself, I don’t know what will! For this month I am highlighting Mike and Gina.

1) How long have you two been with Vi? Did you start off as a customer only or straight to promoter? What attracted you to become a Promoter of the Challenge?
Gina: We partnered with Vi back in August of 2014, so coming up on 2 years now! We started off as promoters right away because we understood the value of the opportunity at hand. As gym owners, we are endlessly asked for recommendations on protein, and all other factors of nutrition from our clients. We were thrilled to learn that we could offer our clients a high quality product, help them get healthy and lose unwanted pounds, all while giving back through the Vi Cares program, which feeds children in need right in our community!
Mike: I'll also add that we saw a huge opportunity to impact so many more lives, reach so many more people, especially those that may have never walked through the doors of our gym. It's awesome to be able to help people in other states and countries just by sharing our passion of fitness and nutrition!

2) What are your favorite, don't-leave-home-without products?
Mike: I love the Chocolate Monkey Vi Bites and I cannot go without the Vi Shape shake mix!
Gina: I really enjoy the Vi Crunch protein super cereal (in milk or dry) and I always have a Nutra Bar in my purse just in case!

3) What was the hardest obstacle you two have overcome during your transformations?
Mike: For me, I think having to pay attention to portion control in my non-Vi meals was a challenge. Thanks to Vi, I had plenty of great options to grab and go throughout the day. I also struggled a little bit with late night sweet tooth cravings after dinner, especially when we get home from working late!
Gina: I think for me it was tough during family gatherings and other social settings where everyone else around me is eating food that looks delicious, but not so healthy. I stayed strong most times, and a couple times that I let myself have a treat, I just made sure it was a very small portion instead of just binge eating it.

4) How have you both used Vi to help others?

Mike: I'm really happy to have been able to help my mother get Vi shakes added into her eating routine every day. She trains at our gym about 6 days a week, and she needs that high quality protein to help repair her muscles. Funny thing is that she makes her shakes so often that my father has begun to sip on hers, and is now getting his own bag of Vi shake mix on a regular basis! I'm glad to be able to help both of my parents stay healthy and live long!
Gina: We are so proud of a gym client of ours that we helped lose over 40 pounds on the Challenge! She stayed very consistent with her meal plan, using Vi products, and strength training 3 days per week. She never imagined she could lose so much and feel so good! Her original goal was just 10 pounds! The best part is that 120 healthy meals were donated to kids in our local area from documenting her weight loss with Vi!

You can follow Gina and Mike on FB and Twitter-



Mike & Gina's Gym