Thursday, May 5, 2016

Q&A with Jennifer Soos: Embarrased at Bootcamp

Jennifer Soos is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist 
based out of San Antonio, Texas, and a childhood friend of Monica. 

You can find her at ​ ​ 

Do you have a question for Jennifer? E-mail it to
A new question is answered every month! 


I started doing bootcamp class in January and I really enjoy them. Years ago I trained too hard and hurt my knee and had other health problems because of it and it took me almost a full year to recover. Now that I'm back, I'm very cautious and aware of what I can and can't do. The trainer is very intense yelling and pushing everyone hard and when I told him about my situation he's been respectful of letting me ease up when I feel I need to. But the classes are big and always changing depending on what time I go so it's not an option for me to talk to each person and there have been a few people in the class who have said things to me like I need to push through the pain. I tell myself that they are saying it from a good place but I still feel embarrassed. How can I get them to leave me alone? Sincerely, Embarrassed in Bootcamp


 Dear Embarrassed,

My very first thought is that you should have some t­shirts printed that say “Try Minding Your Own Business” and just wear those to bootcamp classes!! I was also curious as to whether or not your knee is taped or wrapped or in a brace of some kind which might help signify to people that you have a reason to be protective of that injury? But regardless of those outward things, let’s talk about the “inside job” that might need a little work... You sound like you have great instincts about knowing your limits and taking care of yourself ­ so that’s a good place to start. And good for you for your determination to come back from a serious injury and keep working so hard! I hope you feel proud of that accomplishment.

Your question “How can I get them to leave me alone?” is important for a couple of reasons: First, that question really zeros in on a hard truth: we don’t get to have control over other people. We can’t really do much to change other people’s behaviors or thoughts or opinions or words. We can tell our truth, we can make requests, we can speak up for ourselves ­ BUT ultimately, people are going to do and think what people are going to do and think. (And, as a recovering control freak myself, I know how hard this reality is to make peace with and surrender to.)

Second, your question really leads to another question: Why is it important to you what they think? Based on your description, it sounds like these people are virtually strangers and do not hold any position of influence in your life. This might be different if they were family or close friends ­ then we would talk about how to be open to their differing opinions and how to take in feedback in a healthy way. But these are not those people. And unless you want to be in a relationship with them ­ an actual, functional relationship ­ then, honestly, whatever story they make up about you is none of your business. What a person thinks about you, someone they don’t actually know, tells us a lot about THEM, but it tells us nothing about YOU. (And, if we’re being really honest here, I certainly don’t want to make any space in my life for someone who is quick to make an assumption and offer unsolicited advice to someone they don’t know ­ those are NOT my people.)

Lastly, sometimes the things people say to us only bother us because we have a little voice in our head that is saying the very same thing and the nosy, judgey people are simply tapping into one of our own fears or insecurities. We will definitely have a reaction to an irrelevant person’s opinion if it mirrors one of our own. That’s a good indicator that we need to get really honest with ourselves and tell ourselves the truth about whatever is going on. It doesn’t sound to me like this last idea applies to you because you are so confident in the work you have done, but perhaps for other people who struggle with this... Get really clear with yourself about what tiny, little truth might lie in what someone else says that fires you up and, if it does apply to you, then own it and set out to fix it. But, if you can’t see any truth in their assessment of things, discard and move on. Your trainer knows the story and, besides you, that’s the only other person who matters.

So, the next time someone ignores your brand new t­shirt ;­) and tries to tell you what to do with your own body, just smile and say, “While I appreciate that you are probably trying to be supportive, I’ve worked really hard to recover from a serious injury and I’m going to listen to what my body can handle.” And then congratulate yourself for NOT spending your time or energy on someone who throws around unnecessary advice before offering compassion or asking questions.

To receive Monica Brant's Monthly Maintenance Newsletter, which includes Q & As like this, notes from Monica, tips, and recipes delivered to your inbox once per month, please enter your name and e-mail below. When you sign up here, you'll also receive the March 2016 edition right away as a bonus! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Visuals Success Story - Mike & Gina

Over the course of the last 2.5 years I’ve been utilizing the ‘Visalus Health Challenge’ platform/ViGrocieries for my personal nutritional clients as well as myself and have met many inspiring people living the ‘ViLife’. Never have I been in a circle of people that have so many moving testimonials and health transformations so I’ve decided I couldn’t keep the stories to myself. But if the stories I share with you each month don’t make you want to jump up and get started yourself, I don’t know what will! For this month I am highlighting Mike and Gina.

1) How long have you two been with Vi? Did you start off as a customer only or straight to promoter? What attracted you to become a Promoter of the Challenge?
Gina: We partnered with Vi back in August of 2014, so coming up on 2 years now! We started off as promoters right away because we understood the value of the opportunity at hand. As gym owners, we are endlessly asked for recommendations on protein, and all other factors of nutrition from our clients. We were thrilled to learn that we could offer our clients a high quality product, help them get healthy and lose unwanted pounds, all while giving back through the Vi Cares program, which feeds children in need right in our community!
Mike: I'll also add that we saw a huge opportunity to impact so many more lives, reach so many more people, especially those that may have never walked through the doors of our gym. It's awesome to be able to help people in other states and countries just by sharing our passion of fitness and nutrition!

2) What are your favorite, don't-leave-home-without products?
Mike: I love the Chocolate Monkey Vi Bites and I cannot go without the Vi Shape shake mix!
Gina: I really enjoy the Vi Crunch protein super cereal (in milk or dry) and I always have a Nutra Bar in my purse just in case!

3) What was the hardest obstacle you two have overcome during your transformations?
Mike: For me, I think having to pay attention to portion control in my non-Vi meals was a challenge. Thanks to Vi, I had plenty of great options to grab and go throughout the day. I also struggled a little bit with late night sweet tooth cravings after dinner, especially when we get home from working late!
Gina: I think for me it was tough during family gatherings and other social settings where everyone else around me is eating food that looks delicious, but not so healthy. I stayed strong most times, and a couple times that I let myself have a treat, I just made sure it was a very small portion instead of just binge eating it.

4) How have you both used Vi to help others?

Mike: I'm really happy to have been able to help my mother get Vi shakes added into her eating routine every day. She trains at our gym about 6 days a week, and she needs that high quality protein to help repair her muscles. Funny thing is that she makes her shakes so often that my father has begun to sip on hers, and is now getting his own bag of Vi shake mix on a regular basis! I'm glad to be able to help both of my parents stay healthy and live long!
Gina: We are so proud of a gym client of ours that we helped lose over 40 pounds on the Challenge! She stayed very consistent with her meal plan, using Vi products, and strength training 3 days per week. She never imagined she could lose so much and feel so good! Her original goal was just 10 pounds! The best part is that 120 healthy meals were donated to kids in our local area from documenting her weight loss with Vi!

You can follow Gina and Mike on FB and Twitter-



Mike & Gina's Gym

Monday, April 25, 2016

Ana Tigre

Ana and I getting some time on a gorgeous gelding named ‘GQ’ owned by a great friend of mine! Name is so appropriate! Photo Credit: Terry Goodlad

Somewhere around 2007, I made friends with an aspiring fitness/figure Brazilian beauty named Ana Tigre. We were both living in Austin, TX and soon became good friends with more in common than just fitness. We both grew up riding and jumping horses and bonded instantly.

If you love horses and meet others that share your passion, you end up having a strong connection. Since we were both involved in figure shows, we worked on stage presentations. As Ana started her first clothing line I was also able to do small runs of a similar line that I sold exclusively through the F.E.M. Camps that I was hosting.

Ana helped put her design to our line and for the time it sold, it was a lot of fun! Since those days in Austin, Ana has moved to Vegas and married one of my dearest friends and favorite photographers, Terry Goodlad. Her talent and design ability has skyrocketed! Everything she creates has a natural beauty and flow to it that comes across when you slip into her items.

I still have various items from her earlier lines Fizeek Brazil and Sweet Revenge, which are still in great condition and wear nicely. I must admit I take special care of all of my training clothes (wash cold-hang dry), but still, these items are all some of my all-time favs!

Moving (fast) forward to a couple of years ago, Ana came out with her newest line of ‘skins’ called Beleza Brazil, and needless to say I absolutely love them! I am quite addicted and would wear them every day if I could - and sometimes I do! Not only are they extremely comfortable in any form of exercise, relaxation, travel or heading out with some hot boots or spicy heels, but they are also extremely soft to the touch and wear just like another layer of skin. The colors don’t fade and are easy to pair with any item.

Of course for me, being able to wear them for my intense sessions is key, and trust me, I’ve put them to the test! Last year, while I was running in Spartan races, I wore a pair of her original Squat Pants and was delighted with the condition of them even after mud, streams, ropes, etc.. and the best thing was that they did NOT slide down nor do I have to roll the waist down to fit my hips/waist! This my friend, is my favorite part. I like pants to fit under my hip bones, and these do and stay there! Even on some of my toughest sprint workouts at the track complete with Plyos, or as you can see in the ANW training I’ve been doing this year - perfect wear. I can easily say I especially love my squat pants although she has come out with some killer hoodies and tanks too!

Working on the ‘Unstable Bridge’ wearing the Turquoise SquatPants

Working with ANW Daniel Gil wearing my ‘FaithNotFear’ tank with red Squat Pants 

3 red pairs of legs with models: Ana herself, my Goddaughter, Daisa 13 yrs. old, and me! 
All of us in the XS size. 

On the ‘Ring Toss’ obstacle at PowerPark Fitness with Terry and Ana for ‘Bella Fit’ Mag! Wearing RED SquatPants and an older ‘but still looks new’ Black basic tank (no longer available - sorry!) 

My beautiful Mom wearing the ‘PROUD USA’ tank 
and my princess Goddaughter wearing the basic tank in Grey with the red Squat Pants. 

Of course me wearing (yet again) ‘FaithNotFear’ tank and SquatPants in navy. 

Ladies, these clothes are a must for your closet too! They're super soft, really comfortable plus they look amazing on every-body. Take it from me, I’ve been wearing 100s of brands of exercise wear for almost 30 years. I know what I’m talking about. ;)

Please head straight over to the Beleza Brazil site and use my code: MoBrant for free shipping.

Stock up because items run out fast and some colors don’t come back around after they sell out. Feel free to pre-order too so you don’t miss out!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Q&A with Jennifer Soos: Frustrated with Friends

Jennifer Soos is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist 
based out of San Antonio, Texas, and a childhood friend of Monica. 

You can find her at ​ ​ 

Do you have a question for Jennifer? E-mail it to
A new question is answered every month! 


Hi Jennifer and Monica,

I'm trying to make some changes to get healthy and I'm feeling really isolated. I can actually handle doing this on my own, but my biggest challenge is the negativity I encounter with my closest girlfriends. There are 5 of us and out of the 5, I'm the only one who is not overweight. Because of this, I feel left out and unsupported by them. They don't think I need to diet and exercise because I'm not "fat" but I'm doing it for my health, not to lose weight necessarily. I've tried talking to them individually to explain that it's hurtful and they apologize and agree to ease up but as soon as we get into a group I get picked on. I always welcome them to join me but they are not interested. I've been friends with them for most of my life and love them very much but I'm at a loss at how to handle this.

Thank you,
Frustrated with Friends


Dear Frustrated with Friends,

Thanks for such a great question about a very, very common problem. First and foremost, good for you for trying to be conscientious about your health and well­being. After all, it is YOUR journey and YOUR body and YOUR life ­ no one else has to walk in your shoes so taking responsibility for that is a very mature and healthy choice!

Let’s talk about negativity. It is safe to say that most negativity comes from those places in us that are full of fear, insecurity, hurt and/or shame ­ those dark places that feel really vulnerable. We use negativity and anger to avoid those feelings, to cover them, to deny that they exist. I would bet that your friends lash out at you because your healthy behavior is threatening to open up those places that they don’t want to look at in themselves. Maybe they are fearful of having to truly examine their own habits and how healthy/unhealthy they might be and they aren’t ready or willing to do that. Perhaps deep down they already feel shame about their choices or their weight and being confronted with your changes brings that shame to the surface. Picking on you helps them cover it up again. I’m sure that if each of them was to be honest about why that hurtful group dynamic occurs when you are all together, they would each have their own unique story to tell. But the punchline here is this: Try your hardest not to take it personally. Their behavior is very much about THEM and has little or nothing to do with you. (That doesn’t mean you have to tolerate it... it just means that it isn’t really about you.)

So, since you aren’t responsible for their apparent emotional hangups and you can’t fix those for them anyway, here are some suggestions for what to do in the meantime:

- Keep doing you​. Your instincts are great and you will never regret taking good care of yourself.
- Find some people who ARE supportive​. Someone who takes the same classes at your gym or a co­worker who walks at lunch or anyone you see in your life who is already making the kinds of choices you are making. Create some other areas in your life where you feel supported to help balance out this area of deficit.
- Don’t advertise your healthy choices​. Let your actions speak for themselves and don’t talk/invite/persuade them to join you in your journey. Some people interpret different choices as unspoken judgment of their own choices... so best to just keep it to yourself when you know you are around people who aren’t on board with your lifestyle.
- Spruce up your boundaries a little​. You’ve already done a very smart thing by having individual conversations with take that one step further by expecting them to respect your request. The next time you are all together and they start picking on you, smile your prettiest smile and leave. No drama. No lectures. Just go. Boundaries aren’t about controlling other people, boundaries simply tell other people what they can expect from us. They will quickly learn that if they start shoving their negativity at you, they can expect you to leave. What they choose to do about that new reality will tell you how important your friendship really is to them.

Great friendships between people who are emotionally mature will seek to support and celebrate each other, especially the successes. If they can’t figure out how to do that for you, at some point you may decide to re­evaluate how valuable these friends really are.

Keep up the great changes!

To receive Monica Brant's Monthly Maintenance Newsletter, which includes Q & As like this, notes from Monica, tips, and recipes delivered to your inbox once per month, please enter your name and e-mail below. When you sign up here, you'll also receive the March edition right away! 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Visuals Success Story - Dave Morgan

Over the course of the last 2.5 years I’ve been utilizing the ‘Visalus Health Challenge’ platform/ViGrocieries for my personal nutritional clients as well as myself and have met many inspiring people living the ‘ViLife’. Never have I been in a circle of people that have so many moving testimonials and health transformations so I’ve decided I couldn’t keep the stories to myself. But if the stories I share with you each month don’t make you want to jump up and get started yourself, I don’t know what will!

For this month I am highlighting Dave Morgan, a 45-year-old rockstar from Louisville, KY.

My name is Dave Morgan and this is my story (so far)...

For 26 years I was obese. My doctor never talked to me about needing to lose weight despite making note of my BMI classification in my record. In fact, it was up to me to notice it on my chart.

Here are a few of my struggles:
• At the age of 13, I started going to the chiropractor for back problems due to weight.
• In high school, my thyroid died and I gained 85 pounds in 2 years. 
• I have had double arthroscopic knee surgery, hernia surgery, and carpal tunnel surgery. 
• I have sleep apnea which requires me to take a sleeping pill and use a CPAP to sleep.
• I have been diagnosed with morning tiredness which required me to take a pill to stay awake. When our insurance changed, the cost of this medication went from $60 / 3 months UP TO $300 / 3 months. I thought a diet of Mountain Dew every morning would be cheaper, although not healthier. 

My Dad passed away on his 56th birthday after complications from diabetes and a quadruple bypass.  Every day I looked in the mirror and saw me in my Dad and knew something had to change.  I look like my Dad and am built just like him, only a little taller, and I was headed down the very same road.  Something had to change!

In 2008, I pleaded with my doctor to help me lose weight and his first recommendation was lap band surgery. No thanks!

In 2012, my podiatrist informed me that my extreme foot pain was a result of having ‘extra’ bones and a neuroma in my feet that require me to wear custom orthotic inserts. 

When I started my first challenge on August 5, 2012, by the BMI standard I was classified as Morbidly Obese. At 5’ – 10” and 310 pounds I was staring high blood pressure and diabetes directly in the face.

With my first challenge I was determined to see what the shakes would do by themselves. With ZERO exercise, I lost 41 pounds. For the first time in years, I had HOPE. It was during this challenge that I started using the FIT KIT and no longer needed the Provigil or diet Mountain Dew to stay awake as I mix a GO and PRO together and sip on them through the day.

During my second challenge we went through Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and my birthday. After losing 10 more pounds I started to exercise and the first time I tried to run a mile since high school football my wife took me to the ER with severe back spasms and a kidney stone. While this set me back a few weeks, I was determined and I knew It Was Possible. Before the end of my second challenge I had run my first ever foot race, the Anthem 5K and I was now down 20 more pounds during this challenge. 

The first day of my 3rd challenge I ran in the Papa John's 10 mile race and two weeks later I ran in the Kentucky Derby Festival miniMarathon. WHAT was next? I organized and led a group of a dozen people on a 60 mile 3 day walk about Louisville, KY where every person involved shattered their personal records for distances traveled. My amazing wife, Shurrenda Rains Morgan, was the only female to endure all 60 miles and her physical stamina and mental endurance blew me away. When we finished this 60 mile walk I weighed myself in the parking lot and I had lost 104.4 pounds.

In my 4th challenge I added strength training to my cardio. I also ran the Iron Horse Half Marathon on October 13th and then broke a rib during the Tough Mudder KY on October 19th, BUT I finished the race and was down 105 lbs total

During my 5th I took a clinic on racewalking and began to lift weights and swim. It was during this challenge that we purchased a bicycle for me to use in training for the 2014 Louisville Ironman.  I call my bike the Vi-Tri Bike.

During my 6th challenge I participated in the 2014 Triple Crown and the 2014 KY Derby Festival miniMarathon, all with my amazing wife.  I also really began to increase my mileage on my Vi-Tri Bike and lifted nearly 1 million pounds of weights.  It was during this challenge that my wife and I were named the Southeast Regional Couples Weight Loss Champions with a combined weight loss of 150 lbs.

During my 7th challenge I swam over 50 miles, biked over 2,000 miles and ran over 200 miles as I was preparing for Ironman Louisville.  I averaged 18 hours of training and peaked at 32 hours in one week training for this EPIC event.  Ironman Louisville is a 140.6 mile triathlon including a 2.4 mile swim in the Ohio River, 112 mile bike ride and a 26.2 mile marathon - all within 17 hours.  Before the Project 10 Challenge I didn't even know what the Ironman was and certainly never had it on my Live List.  On race day I completed the swim with 25 minutes to spare.  Unfortunately, 20 miles into the bike ride my left IT band decided it was done for the day and I completed the next 92 miles with my right leg.  I made it through the Bike In chute with 4 minutes to spare and through the Run Out chute with 1 minute to spare.  I dragged my left leg behind me for 10 miles until a race official approached me indicating I was 1 minute past the cutoff time and 3.1 miles from the check point.  I asked to complete the half marathon loop that I was on and with grace and respect, he agreed.  In a race that was 140.6 miles long, I completed 127.3 miles.  While I Did Not Finish (DNF), I Did Not Fail.  18 months ago, I couldn’t run 3 minutes without feeling like someone was I was going to die SO, this is a WIN.  I also built 20 lbs of muscle during all this training!

My blood pressure for years had been 140 / 80 and now averages 110 / 70.
My resting heart rate has gone from 90 – 95 bpm to 55 – 60 bpm.
Between my neck, chest, waist and hips I have Lost Over 50”.
Body Fat Percentage – has gone from 44.45% down to ~17%.
Body Mass Index – was 44.5 and is now down to 29.5.  I was carrying around 138 lbs of FAT.
Obesity – From Grade 3 by BMI standards down to Overweight.
Before much longer I will be able to come off my CPAP and sleeping pills.

All results are completely thanks to God’s blessings, my wife’s incredible support, ViSalus’ amazing products and our wonderful Vi-Family!

If It Doesn't Challenge You, It Doesn't Change You!! 

For me, ViSalus is not just life changing, it literally is Life Saving!

If anyone would like to learn more about the Challenge that Dave and I are using for our personal goals, please visit and watch the short 3 minute video on the home page. If you would like to get started on YOUR transformation you may sign up on this link or email me directly to learn more about joining my personal Challenge Team.

Q&A with Jennifer Soos: Aspiring Therapist

Jennifer Soos is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
based out of San Antonio, Texas, and a childhood friend of Monica.

You can find her at

Do you have a question for Jennifer? E-mail it to
A new question is answered every month!

What is your experience and recommendation for someone entering the field of therapy who has a passion for it, yet might have unresolved personal "issues" themselves? Is it true that you really encounter your "problems" when dealing with clients?

Aspiring Therapist


Dear Aspiring Therapist, 

You ask a very important question. There are definitely some critical things to consider when pursuing this kind of profession and also some helpful tips for people who are trying to find the best fit when seeking out their own therapist or other “helping” professional (nurses, trainers, coaches, doctors, social worker, etc.)

The short answer to your question about helping professionals encountering their own issues when working with clients is: Yes, it is quite true. And, let’s face it, therapists are humans, so they ALL have issues. The key here is making sure they have done enough of their own work so any remaining triggers or struggles they might have will stay well out of the way of the client’s work.

Perhaps a better way to answer your question is to tell you what I usually recommend to someone who is seeking a therapist ­ then you will see why your question is so important.

Here are my most common tips when searching for the right therapist:
In addition to the standard recommendations about checking for license status, asking about specialty areas, and finding out about insurance and fees, it is completely reasonable to ask a prospective therapist all kinds of other questions so you can feel confident about working with them.

● I highly recommend that people “shop” for their therapist. Ask around ­ more people have a therapist than you think. Read through the online profiles on the therapy sites and peruse their professional website ­ these things can tell you a lot. “Personality fit” is definitely important, so be willing to talk to or meet with a few before you decide to stick with one and delve into the issues. Trust your instincts here ­ you need to FEEL comfortable.
● Ask them questions upfront about their education. Finding out about their education is not about whether they went to the very, very best school ­ it is simply to make sure they didn’t get an online certificate after 3 months. You want to make sure they attended an accredited school with real­-life, in-­the-­chair experience.
● Beware of anyone who says they specialize “in everything.” That’s not possible. Find someone who can tell you about their specific experience with clients who have similar issues to yours. If you are struggling with anxiety you will be better served by a therapist who has sat with many, many anxious clients rather than a therapist who has spent a decade focused mostly on co­parenting skills with divorced couples. When people call me and say they want help with grief, I immediately offer to them that I draw on both my personal grief journey as well as more than ten years of facilitating grief support groups. I want them to know it is something I have very specific experience with and that I’m quite comfortable offering that particular kind of guidance. The therapist you seek should be able to
do the same for you (and if they can’t, they should offer recommendations for a therapist who can.)
● Most seasoned therapists can tell you pretty clearly what it will look like to work with them ­ whether they give “homework” or not, suggest reading or not, require that you meet weekly or otherwise ­ all things that might give you an idea about whether it will work for you.
● This is a big one: I personally would never, ever, ever recommend or see a therapist who had not been in therapy themselves. Lots of graduate schools require that counseling students be in some form of therapy while completing their degree, so it is a very reasonable thing to ask (and, I would argue, necessary.) A therapist who can talk openly and willingly about their own therapeutic experience will give you the best shot at making sure the therapist’s personal issues don’t get in the way of your work. I often divulge, especially to couples, that I have been in marriage counseling myself. I want them to know that I am not perfect and I’m not asking anything of them I have not also done for my own relationship and that I know how very hard it is. A therapist shouldn’t reveal their deepest, darkest issues to you (that would be a boundary violation) but they should be able to
speak easily about how important their own therapy has been to them.
● If you ever feel criticized or shamed ­ terminate and find a different therapist. Generally, therapists are called to provide “unconditional, positive regard” for those seeking support and that usually means a safe, compassionate environment full of acceptance. (Dr. Carl Rogers) A great, therapeutic relationship can be life­changing, but there is no room in an effective process for shaming or judgment ­ clients should not settle for anything less than a safe space for
transformation. If your experience in therapy is different than that kind of safety, chances are good the therapist did NOT do enough of their own work and it is getting in their way.

I know a lot of therapists ­ some of them very good and some of them, not so much. Unfortunately, just like all professions, there are bad apples out there. In my experience, the very good ones tend to be clinicians who went to experiential graduate programs (rather than just academic programs) and who have
been in and out of therapy most of their adult lives for a variety of things. This does not mean they were broken or horribly dysfunctional, it simply means they value introspection, the process of therapy and seek continual transformation. They believe in the idea that we are all, always, a work in progress. And that is a very good thing.

I would be happy to discuss more specific examples and programs with you as well.

Feel free to contact me via my website

Thank you for a great question,
Jennifer Soos, LMFT

A Note from Monica (from Monthly Maintenance: March 2016 Edition)

Easter has come and gone and I can’t believe we are looking at the month of April already! 

Here in Texas we didn’t get a very cold winter, so it really doesn’t seem like spring should be here except for all the pretty wildflowers blooming along the highways. One of my favorites, TX Bluebonnet, makes a sea of blue when it spreads - so refreshing! 

When I was growing up in the country we lived on 20 acres and the fields around us would bloom and it was always a beautiful view to see my horses out in the field grazing - especially our mare, Duchess, who was large and white! Such a contrast from the blue sea of flowers along her legs... great memories! 

With spring comes new beginnings for sure - from flowers to animals to spirits. For me, Easter isn’t about bunnies, although extremely cute and fun to hold (pictured above: My model bunny ‘Sienna’ photographed here back in 2007 by Lisa Brewer) it’s about renewing the mind and soul with what Easter really is about and why we celebrate it (or at least IMO) we should. 

As I am earning years I have grown so much in all areas of my life. I strive to grow spiritually just as much as I am growing as an athlete and caring for myself with my nutrition. One of the Pastors I chose to listen to on a consistent basis is Dr Charles F. Stanley and his devotional for Easter reads easily and I figured I would share with you - hoping to bring renewed spirits to you as well! 

by Charles F. Stanley 1 Corinthians 15:13-23 

What does Christ’s resurrection mean to you? Is it simply an event in the distant past with little relevance for 2016, or does it affect how you think and act each day? Many people look at Easter as an occasion for purchasing new clothes and going to church. But it’s not just a day to celebrate the empty tomb and then move on as if nothing has changed. 

Since we didn’t personally witness the risen Christ after His burial, imagining that first Easter morning is difficult. Not only that, but our traditional celebrations and familiarity with the story make it easy to overlook the stunning magnitude of what transpired. Then we run the risk of taking the resurrection for granted and missing the impact it still has today. 

 In 1 Corinthians 15:13-17, the apostle Paul gives us a glimpse of the resurrection’s importance by describing what would have happened if Jesus had not been raised. Our Easter celebrations would be a big lie, and our faith would be worthless. Worst of all, we’d still bear the guilt for every sin we’ve ever committed—with no hope of forgiveness, salvation, or eternal life in heaven. If Jesus hadn’t been raised, His death would have accomplished nothing. Without the resurrection, our faith would be worthless, and Jesus’ death would have accomplished nothing. That’s why Easter is an awesome reason for celebration.

Jesus died in our place to satisfy the requirement for our atonement—a price far too high for us to pay. His resurrection proves that the Father was satisfied with His sacrifice (Rom. 3:25) and counted it sufficient for the forgiveness of all our sins (1 Cor. 15:20-23). And because of Christ’s victory over death, we too will be resurrected and receive an imperishable inheritance reserved for us in heaven. This hope enables us to rejoice every day, even in the midst of trials and suffering (1 Pet. 1:3-9). So if we attend an Easter service but remain unchanged for the rest of the year, we’ve missed the purpose of the resurrection. Each day is an opportunity to let the living Christ impact our character, conduct, and conversation as we “put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the one who created him” (Col. 3:10). In essence, we are displaying God’s nature with a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love (Col. 3:12-14). 

Jesus’ resurrection should also direct and motivate our mission. Christ told His disciples, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you” (John 20:21). Having seen the risen Lord and being filled with His Spirit, those first Christians spread the message of salvation throughout the Roman world. The impact of their witness was so great that they were described as “men who have upset the world” (Acts 17:6). In essence, we display God’s nature with a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love. 

Throughout the ages, the gospel of Christ has continued to be proclaimed, and people all over the world have been saved. Today, it’s our turn to share the same message, which offers forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life to all who believe. No other major religion has a leader who overcame death. How can we keep silent about the most important event that ever happened? This month you will celebrate Easter by gathering with fellow believers, joyously singing of Christ’s resurrection, and listening once again to the story of the empty tomb. But don’t let the familiarity and holiday customs steal your wonder and appreciation. As you continue rejoicing at Jesus’ victory over death, look forward to that day when He will return and resurrect all those who have trusted Him as Savior. And keep living in the newness of life that He’s provided for us through His resurrection power. 

On top of continual spirit renewal, I have been working very hard on a new fitness goal over the last few months. Next month I hope to share what that is exactly! As the training for this event is quite intensely challenging I have been structuring my nutrition and supplementation to supply my needs for fuelling correctly. At this point in the game the ‘scale’ isn’t much help and I really needed to take a detailed look at my BodyFat/composition plus I have always thrived on knowing this info for past competitions and events. 

Since I haven’t lived in the SA area for long, again I researched online for a local top notch BF testing site and happily found Inside Outside Medical Spa and quickly sent an email to book an appointment for the first available spot. What a wonderful experience this turned out to be! 

Upon showing up to the office, Dr. Christian took me through the presentation to explain how the DXA scanner works and what I could expect following the scan. He provides so much info that is actually very easily understood and being someone who enjoys learning, I soaked up the details! I have shared my initial scans with you so you can see a very small portion of what Dr Christian prepared for me post DXA Body Scan. 

This machine is a Bone Density scanner; however, Doc has a body fat component to it as well. I was pleasantly surprised of my 11.1% BF score! 

After the scanning Doc has a ‘Nutrition Prescription’ planned for the goals of the person scanned based on Paleo/Zone programs he has studied. I am happy to report after following the ‘prescription’ for the week I went back in for another procedure called the Diamond Microdermabrasion and weighed in at 135.2lbs. which was 1.5lbs lighter! We didn’t retest my BF but I did see the difference in my leanness and of course the scale was showing lighter. I am excited to retest maybe another week or so and see where I can get my BF. It’s hard to describe the learning opportunity available at this medical spa. Dr. Christian is a wealth of knowledge and has so much to offer. I wish everyone could go in to sit with him as he explains BF, nutrition, his exercise philosophy, skin care and so much more. I am definitely looking forward to my next visit.

Stay Fit & Love Life, 


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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Top 4 Tips to Maintain a More Joy-FUL and Healthier Life (yes, in this order below too).

1) Spiritual 
Take some time to pray and refuel your spirit! I find many times when I am thinking I am hungry or ‘snacky’ it’s not because I am actually IN NEED of fuel many times it’s that I need to fill my spirit! Keep watch on this for yourself and next time you have a craving for something off your healthy nutrition plan that will only cause you more work and make you digress instead of having progress..  take a mental examination of when is the last time you stopped to pray, give thanks and LISTEN to what God is saying to you!

 2) Nutritional 
In order to get it right..  2 words: Manage Insulin. Insulin can be your best friend or worst enemy when it comes to fat loss and retaining muscle. Learning how to manage it correctly- making it work for you not against you will extend your efforts. Eat lower glycemic index (GI) foods (lean protein, healthy fats, fibrous carbs) as a general rule, and combine higher GI foods (sweet potatoes, yams) with lower ones (lean protein, fibrous carbs) to lower their net impact on your body. The secret is knowing WHEN to eat your starchy foods, not ignoring them. Timing meals according to your exercise will help you receive the benefits of insulin. After a weight training or sprint type interval session, put the sweet/starchy foods in the mix of your post training meal. This is your golden opportunity to have insulin partition the correct starches you eat to your muscles and not your fat cells. For the majority of the other meals, focus on protein, healthy fat, and carbs mainly in the form of non-starchy vegetables - I like to say GREEN IS GOOD!

 3) Emotional 
Take time to De-Stress more often and give yourself some time to relax. Move on from hurts and disappointments from others or yourself. Let go .. if you can relieve emotional baggage everything else becomes lighter and easier!

 4) Physical 
Lift HEAVIER & push your intensity in any of your exercise ! I promise - after 20+ years of lifting heavier weights, I have reaped the rewards of heavier lifting as opposed to extended easy cardio or light-high reps. Allowing your body to undergo the taxation of weights will allow you to open up the receptors in your muscles to absorb and utilize the nutrients you eat in the starchy carbs plus burn glycogen stores more readily and efficiently. This will allow our MUSCLE CELLS to become more insulin sensitive than our FAT CELLS!! Get lifting!

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